Adam Rodgers Ministry Updates & Prayer Requests Updated Weekly for my Ministry Partners
About Me

I am a full-time local missionary working out of Morrisville, PA at the Solid Rock Youth Center. A little bit of background as to how I came to work at the youth center: I grew up in Central Jersey in a town called Howell. Attending church weekly, I grew in my faith; and as I became older and more mature, I understood that my faith is something I took very seriously and wanted to stay a part of who I am.
Summer of 2011, I felt a calling to go into the mission field and in 2012 it became very apparent that said field would be youth ministry. I attended Cairn University from 2012-2017, dedicating my time and focusing most of my classes to youth ministry and eventually graduating with a Bachelors in Youth & Family Ministry.
During my time at Cairn, I was involved with several youth ministries, getting my start in Morrisville with a ministry called Cru High School. Eventually, this transitioned to volunteering with the youth group at Compass Fellowship Baptist Church (CBFC, formerly First Baptist Church of Morrisville). After several years volunteering with them, I was offered a position at the Solid Rock Youth Center.
As of today, I am still working at the Solid Rock Youth Center as the Projects Coordinator, I am still serving as a leader of the youth group at CFBC. I still believe very strongly God has called me to serve Him here in Morrisville as mostly everything has worked out for me as I now live in the area so I can dedicate my time to the youth center and the ministries involved full-time.
Click HERE to read my full support letter
Fundraising Goal Current Standing - 9.8% Raised!
If you are feeling called to give, please click here and select \”Give To Adam Rodgers Support\”.
If you prefer, you may also mail checks to 50 N. Pennsylvania Ave, Morrisville PA, 19067. Make the check out to \”Solid Rock Youth Center\” and put \”Adam Rodgers Support\” in the memo. All donations are tax exempt!
Prayer Requests
Please continue to prayer for me in the following ways:
Pray for us that the start of the year will bring about many students who will be interested in what the youth center has to offer.
Pray for the staff of SRYC as we draw closer together and work closely with one another to be as effective as we can in reaching out to the unchurched students in Morrisville.
Pray for the Breakfree Youth Group from Compass Fellowship, as we have a retreat in two weeks at America\’s Keswick. Pray it will be an encouraging weekend where we can all draw closer to the Lord and with each other.
Continue to pray for me as my role at the youth center will take on a much more involved role than I have had before. Pray for the strength and energy to focus on my weekly tasks to ensure our Weekends program and Outreach events run smoothly.
As always, continue to pray for me as I continue to build my team of ministry partners who will support me both prayerfully and financially.