Online Registration with Electronic Signature Each space must be filled out for each parent and child.

We, guardian and youth, have all read the rules, policies, and consequences pdf on the SRYC website and gone over them together. We agree to follow the terms listed in the agreement and understand the consequences that will happen should I or my child fail to respect the staff, or others at the facility, and to follow the rules. We, guardian and youth, have read this agreement and understand its terms.

We aware that this agreement includes a release and waiver of liability, an assumption of risk, and an agreement to indemnify the SRYC. We understand that we have given up substantial rights by signing this agreement, and we sign it freely and voluntarily without any inducement. As I, the student, am under 21 years of age, I have secured below the signature of my parent or guardian as well as my own. Returning to the youth center constitutes agreement to the rules and permissions policy. We realize no youth may attend the youth center without this completed form on file. And that every space must be filled in for each parent and teen listed.